
Message from the Chairman

Technology begins with humanity.

The rapid advancement of technology has facilitated our daily life. However, technology has also led to the over-exploitation of the natural environment and alienated people’s care for the society. How to strike a balance between economic development and environmental protection, and how to bring back the power of goodness, love and tolerance to the society while enjoying the convenience are important issues that enterprises have to actively face nowadays. In the face of climate change, talent sustainability, social care and other challenges, TSC integrates ESG concepts into its daily operations and implements its corporate sustainability goals. In 2023, TSC, through the ESG Committee and the ESG Office, jointly examined issues related to the Company’s sustainable governance, implemented sustainable governance standards, and continuously optimized the Company’s internal management system. In terms of product development, we have progressively achieved our product R&D goals, optimized our product portfolio according to market trends and customer needs, and completed our validation and mass production successively. In response to the global trend of net-zero emissions, TSC continued to promote inventory operations in 2023, develop green transformation goals, and adhere to our environmental commitments. In addition, TSC has made unremitting efforts to create a healthy and friendly workplace environment through a comprehensive education and training system and employee opinion surveys. TSC will be celebrating its 45th anniversary in 2024, and over the years, TSC has reached many important milestones. From its humble beginnings in 1979 in a difficult investment environment, to establishing a presence in Yilan, to multiple major production shifts and the establishment of global operations, it has been a long and arduous journey. However, step by step, TSC has grown to become a global company with thousands of employees, and over the past decade has gained the favor of its customers and successfully entered the international automotive brand market. In the face of rapid changes in the environment, TSC has maintained its core business, through product innovation, R&D, and transformation, while implementing comprehensive ESG initiatives to reserve energy for the next wave of growth.

Implementing sustainable governance principles

Integrity has been the cornerstone of TSC’s business operations for over 45 years. Every year, TSC actively participates in corporate governance evaluation system and continues to improve its management system based on the evaluation results. In 2023, in accordance with the “Corporate Governance 3.0 -Sustainable Development Roadmap” of the competent authority, TSC focused on the implementation of non-financial information disclosure, the issuance of a sustainability report, and the revamping of its official website to enhance external communication. At the same time, in order to actively respond to the needs of stakeholders, TSC plans to introduce the ISO 27001 Information Security Management System (ISMS) international certification, and is committed to building a comprehensive information security management level and policy to protect the security of Company and customer information. In 2023, TSC was honored to be selected by the Taiwan Institute of Directors and the Corporate Development Research Center (CDRC) as one of the “2023 Taiwan Best-in-Class 100”, out of 1,779 listed and over-the-counter companies, which represents that TSC has been selected for its market, fundamentals, and sustainability.

Achieving product R&D goals

Although the recovery of the semiconductor industry was not as strong as expected in 2023, TSC still actively invested in product R&D and technological innovation in order to meet the needs of long-term momentum. In 2023, TSC set up a new R&D center in Hsinchu to bring in more professional talents and technologies, and our annual R&D expenses as a percentage of net revenues have been increasing year after year for the past three years. On the other hand, we are also driving transformation and diversification by entering multiple product lines, including automotive MOSFETs, TVS, and ESD products. Through strategies such as optimizing product structures and expanding sales channels, we are gradually enlarging our presence in the automotive and industrial control markets. TSC will continue to provide high-quality automotive-grade products to help our customers enhance product performance while contributing to energy conservation and carbon reduction efforts.

Fulfilling environmental sustainability visions

As the biggest problem facing mankind in the future is closely related to global warming and climate change, TSC follows Taiwan’s 2050 net-zero transition goal and responds to government policies. At the same time, we also pay attention to international carbon tax and regulation trends, understand the supply chain and stakeholders’ concerns about sustainability issues, and actively respond to the global carbon reduction vision. In 2023, we promoted a number of sustainability projects through the ESG Committee, the ESG Office and various functional groups, including the completion of the first-ever Task Force on Climate-related
Financial Disclosures (TCFD) project, the completion of a quantitative assessment of climate risk in relation to the “increase in the cost of greenhouse gas emissions”, and the incorporation of the results of the assessment into our overall operational considerations. In 2023, we drew up a roadmap for carbon reduction, promoted various energy-saving projects, introduced the ISO 50001 energy management system, launched a comprehensive ISO 14064 greenhouse gas inventory, and drew up a renewable energy layout plan. In the future, we
aim to increase the proportion of green energy usage year by year, respond to the energy transition and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and work with global enterprises to achieve net-zero emissions.

Promoting shared social values

Organization and teamwork is one of the most important elements of a sustainable business. Over the past 45 years, TSC has been fortunate to have experienced team members in various fields who have worked hard to make TSC what it is today, and in order for employees to grow together with the Company, in 2023, TSC formally approved the competency module and planned a three-year plan to build consensus, and integrate the spirit of functionality into daily work. In addition, in order to better understand the voices of employees, TSC launched the “Employee Opinion Survey” for the first time in 2023 to listen to the voices of employees in a timely manner through a variety of channels for reflecting their opinions, and to systematically understand the overall work experience and thoughts of employees, so as to create a perfect, healthy and happy workplace.

Embracing a sustainable future

TSC is approaching its 45th anniversary, yet our organization and culture remain vibrant and youthful, ready to embrace the next phase of growth. As a member of the global semiconductor supply chain, we look to the future with steadfast commitment to innovation, dedication, and professionalism. Regardless of economic fluctuations or environmental changes, we maintain a proactive attitude and flexible adaptability to enhance our resilience and competitiveness. Since 2022, we have been gradually building, driving, and initiating various sustainability themes. By 2023, we have continued to deepen these efforts, including implementing sustainable governance principles, achieving product R&D goals, fulfilling environmental sustainability visions, and promoting shared social values. TSC is committed to aligning with international standards and actively pursuing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We will transparently share our sustainability journey and achievements, working together with all stakeholders to realize our next
phase of vision.

Chairman Wang Shiu-Ting

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