
Water Stewardship

In recent years, Taiwan has experienced droughts due to climate change. Taiwan TSC operates two factories in I-lan, an area without reservoirs. However, the region benefits from abundant rainfall throughout the year and natural groundwater areas in the Lanyang Plain, which prevent water shortage crises in I-lan. As a member of the semiconductor industry, TSC recognizes the significant impact of climate change and water resources on its operations. To ensure environmental sustainability and economic efficiency, TSC effectively manages water resources. This includes monitoring and recording water withdrawal and discharge, as well as implementing a grinder and cooling cycle water recycling mechanism to efficiently recycle water on-site.

Water Resource Structure

TSC’s I-lan Site and Li-Je Site are situated in I-lan County, which is located in the northeastern part of Taiwan. According to the Weather Bureau, I-lan County experiences a monsoon climate, with an average annual precipitation of over 2700mm. In 2022, groundwater constituted approximately 92.6% of the process water used at the I-lan Site, while tap water accounted for 7.4%. Due to the extended rainy seasons in I-lan and the site’s proximity to the mountainside, coupled with a daily withdrawal of less than 100 tons of groundwater, there has been no depletion of groundwater, and no water limitation measures have been necessary. On the other hand, the Li-Je Site relies on surface water as its water source. It utilizes the Wulangkeng River as its primary source of pure water, accounting for approximately 87.6%, with tap water making up the remaining 12.4%. As the Wulangkeng River has consistently maintained its water flow over the years, the Li-Je Site currently does not require any water limitation measures.

SiteYearTotal Water Withdrawal (Megaliters)
TSC taiwan sites & HQ2020263.58

Water Risk Stewardship

The semiconductor industry is a significant consumer of water during wafer production, and any water shortage could have an immediate impact. Furthermore, the more advanced the process, the greater the water consumption. In Taiwan, the reliance on seasonal rainfall to fill reservoirs, coupled with climate change-induced rainfall instability, has raised concerns about water supply. Although TSC’s two sites in I-lan are not situated in high water stress areas and do not face strict restrictions on water resource usage, the Company is actively promoting water conservation by implementing a water recycling mechanism at the reproduction site to achieve sustainable development. According to the WRI Aqueduct Tool, both TSC sites are located in low water stress risk areas, benefiting from the abundant water resources of the Lanyang River. Therefore, there is no possibility of water shortage in the near future.

For more water resource management details, please refer to TSC 2022 ESG Report, Chapter 5. 

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